As a dietitian, I’ve heard plenty of myths about drinking juice. Let’s talk about the facts! Read more to learn about the health benefits of orange juice, particularly Florida Orange Juice!
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Florida Orange Juice. Thanks for supporting the partners who support Street Smart Nutrition!

As a registered dietitian working in private practice and nutrition communications, there are a few questions I see popping up time and time again. One that I really love addressing every chance I get has to do with drinking juice. So many people believe they can’t have juice or shouldn’t drink it so I want to set the record straight!
I partnered with the Florida Department of Citrus to share these facts about Florida Orange Juice. I hope it encourages you to include it if it’s something you enjoy and want to have!
Health Benefits of Orange Juice
When I was growing up one of my favorite things to do was drink orange juice with my dad. Do you have any fond memories of Florida Orange Juice from when you were young?
I always had a pretty healthy relationship with juice, but when I started working as a registered dietitian, I realized many people are actually very hesitant to include it. There are some pretty inaccurate myths about 100% juice, but I want to share the truth. My hope is that your decision to drink juice will be based on a personal preference and individualized nutrition goals, not something that isn’t based on science or facts!
Myth: Extra vitamin C is all you need to support your immune system
Fact: It’s not enough on its own!
Yes, vitamin C is important, don’t get me wrong. Vitamin C strengthens our immune system by protecting cells and promoting the production and function of immune cells. That’s why you’ve probably heard that eating foods that provide vitamin C or adding a vitamin C supplement might be helpful when you’re sick.
But the immune system is complex and vitamin C isn’t the only nutrient that can help support a healthy immune system. Our bodies also need key nutrients like folate, potassium, thiamin, and vitamin D. All of these can be found in Florida Orange Juice (vitamin D is found in fortified juice).

If you want to learn more about how vitamin C plays a role in immune health, check out this resource on what the current science says: Immune System Support and Florida Orange Juice.
It’s not necessarily beneficial to start consuming extra vitamin C when you start to feel sick. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, meaning our bodies won’t store any vitamin C that doesn’t get used. I recommend including a variety of vitamin C-rich foods, like fruits, vegetables, and 100% juice, on a regular basis as part of your normal eating pattern. This ensures your body consistently gets a variety of nutrients from a variety of sources, which can help support overall wellbeing and health before your immune system has to deal with added stressors.
Myth: Juice isn’t good for you
Fact: Juice can have a place in your diet if you enjoy it and want to include it.
Like I mentioned above, the combination of nutrients in Florida Orange Juice makes it a tasty way to do your body a favor every time you reach for a glass. An 8-ounce serving is an excellent source of vitamin C and a good source of folate, thiamin, and potassium, as well as vitamin D (when using fortified juice).

There’s another benefit to drinking 100% orange juice that makes it unique. It contains a polyphenol called hesperidin, which may have a number of benefits to the immune system, including helping to fight inflammation.
One category where 100% orange juice can fall short is fiber. Contrary to what you may have heard, reaching for the extra-pulp version doesn’t add a significant amount of fiber to your diet and you may prefer the smooth texture of the pulp-free version. Fiber is one of the things that can slow the absorption of carbohydrates (like those found in many foods and beverages, including juice). If this is something you watch for, you can still enjoy 100% orange juice, especially if you pour a glass with a meal or snack that contains protein, fat, and fiber from other sources.
The Bottom Line: Whether or not a food is “good” for you depends on a lot of factors, so take this nutrition information about juice and consider how it could fit into your overall eating pattern.
Myth: Juice doesn’t help with hydration
Fact: It can!
I’ll be the first to raise my hand and admit I struggle with hydration. Plain water doesn’t always hold a lot of appeal for me even though I know all the benefits! And before I learned more about the science behind hydration, I thought water was the only option.
Now, as a registered dietitian, I understand how a variety of beverages contribute fluids and important electrolytes to help you stay hydrated throughout the year. Florida Orange Juice is one of them, especially since it’s naturally comprised of almost 90% water with no added sugar. It also contains several electrolytes, including potassium, calcium (in fortified juices), and magnesium in smaller amounts.

When I work with runners, cyclists, dancers, and other athletes, I’m often coaching them on ways to meet their energy and nutrient requirements in creative ways. Together we’ve come up with several DIY sports nutrition mixes and recovery smoothies that use 100% orange juice for sweetness, carbohydrates, flavor, and nutrients. And now that I’m starting to train for another half marathon, I’m using these same options for myself!
The Bottom Line: You can use water alone to meet your hydration needs, but you don’t have to. And if you’re an active person or athlete, you may actually benefit more by including important electrolytes like the potassium, calcium, and magnesium found in 100% orange juice.
I hope this clears the air on some of the most common myths about 100% orange juice! There’s so much more I could say, but I love referring to the experts. Check out Florida Orange Juice on their social channels:
- Instagram: @floridaorangejuice
- Facebook: @floridaorangejuice
- Twitter: @ojfromflorida
- Pinterest: @floridaoj
And if you’re looking for some recipe inspiration, I recommend trying fresh Florida Orange Juice in a savory recipe like these Orange Glazed Pork Chops. They’re next-level delicious!