I am a registered and licensed dietitian, but that does not mean I am your dietitian. The information shared and posted on this blog is simply meant to provide education and inspiration. It is not a substitute or replacement for medical advice, medical nutrition therapy, or individualized nutrition counseling. I will always recommend that you speak with your primary healthcare provider before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle. If you’re looking for more specific recommendations to suit your specific needs or preferences, I suggest finding a registered dietitian in your area that can work more closely with you.
All content is my own, unless otherwise specified. Please do not repost any content, recipes, or photos as your own or onto any other internet or social media platforms without direct links, shares, and credit to the source. I’m happy to share the love but we’ve gotta give credit where credit is due!
The Street Smart Nutrition Blog may also occasionally feature content that is sponsored or created in collaboration with other brands. Rest easy that I will always provide full disclosure and make it clear if any of my content is sponsored. Any brand partnerships will reflect the values and nutrition philosophy of myself as a dietitian and consumer and align with the values of the Street Smart Nutrition brand. Sponsored posts that are older than one year (12 months) may be updated to improve the overall quality of the information and/or images. Unless otherwise stated, I do not receive any additional compensation to complete these quality updates.
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